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Saturday 12 December 2009

Storm Thorgerson - Graphic Designer, Film Maker & Tennis Fiend.

Have you heard of this guy?

If not, then you should have if you've been a milo fan for a while.

It's the guy behind early artwork of milo for Ignoto, and Rapt.Debt

Having also produced artwork for Pink Floyd, Muse, Mars Volta & Led Zeppelin.

The Ignoto cover produced by Storm Thorgerson (with Peter Curzon and photographer Rupert Truman), who has also produced artwork for such memorable albums as Dark Side of the Moon.

It's Still The Feel Good Hit Of The Summer

Yup, yourcodenameis:milo covered this track for a free cd that was released with Kerrang Magazine as part of a collection they had going.
This video was put together to simply get the song out there in the world, to eyes and ears that may not have had the pleasure to listen.
It was in no way connected to YCNI:M and was an unofficial video created by a fan.

So we've popped it on here, so there it is below...Enjoy.

Because were so kind we also taken the liberty to upload the track and let you download it to your itunes.

So just click here to get your ears on it.

Live Performances

Small collection of milo live performances.

How To Spend $65000 in A Month

This is a tour video YCNI:M put together, the music over the top is the track Awake/Asleep, one of my favourites.

It was released with the 17 DVD. Enjoy.

Friday 11 December 2009

Need the lyrics?

Were so kind that we've taken the time to input milo's lyrics from each album into a word document and popped it on the internet for you to download and sing along to. Happy Days.


(We've only got All Roads To Fault up at the moment, but the rest will be up very soon!)

Back Catalogue of Live Performances.

For any heads out there that are "original" milo fans, and were on the official forum, and brief forum. There was a link to a googlemail account with endless demo's and live recordings, were going to get our hands on this and post it up in a lovely zip file for you all to download and store on your computer for the rest of your days.

Stay Tuned.

All Roads To...Monster?

So, now based in Cardiff, with The Automatic, Paul Mullen played T4 On The Beach last year.

No your ear's didn't deceive you, yes he squeezed in the All Roads To Fault Riff at around 2:20 into the song...twice.

Incase you missed it, or just want to watch it again, here it is in all its glory...Yay.